Greeting Cards & Mini Art - 9/2024
Mondays from or 6-8pm
6 weeks: 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21
The season of thanks and celebrations with family and friends is soon approaching! Creating handmade cards and mini art pieces is such a meaningful way to show appreciation and connect with loved ones. We will explore text, stamping, watercolor, india ink, collage and more. Most importantly, join this comfortable, positive environment where you can express your inner artist! We encourage beginners to experts, there is always more to learn and sharing skills and experiences with others is what art is all about. Could greeting cards and mini art become your new passion?
Ages: 12 and up, including adults
Cost: $130 pre-pay for 6-week session or drop-in for $25 per class.
All supplies included.
Instructor: Ms. Casey Irvine
Registration available online below, in person or over the phone. Deadline to register is 2 days before start of class. If you are redeeming a gift card, please call the office to register.
Space is limited. Check our website for current health guidelines and hours of operation.