Adult Watercolor - Winter II 25

Beginning & Continuing Level - WATERCOLOR

Mondays from 7:00pm-9:00pm

Winter Session II dates: 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31

This 2-hour 6-week class is for the beginning watercolor student as well as for students who have basic watercolor skills and want to perfect their technique. For the beginner: students will learn the basic techniques such as wet on wet, wet on dry application, blending and some color theory. Continuing watercolor students will hone in on their skills and learn new techniques. 

Instructor: Donna Gonzalez

Ages: 14 and up (for slightly younger artists, please call the DCA)

Cost: $147 per person per session (pre-register/pay in advance). One time $10 material fee payable to instructor on first day of class.

Students who already have their watercolor supplies are encouraged to bring them to class.

Beginning students will need to purchase:

•One - 12 count Winsor & Newton watercolor set (pan or tube). 

•One Strathmore watercolor pad 140lb (5” x 8” size or  9”x12” size). 


•One Arches Hot or Cold press watercolor pad 140lb, (8” x 10” size or 9” x 12”size ).

•One set of Watercolor brushes

•One roll of painter’s tape (not scotch tape)

Registration available online below, in person or over the phone. Deadline to register is two days before workshop. If you are redeeming a gift card, please call the office to register.

About DCA instructor Donna.

Space is limited. Check our website for current health guidelines and hours of operation.


Intermediate Acrylic Painting - 03/2025


Adult Watercolor - Winter I 25