Standing Rock Photo Exhibition & Native American Art Show- 05/2019

Photos of the Standing Rock resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline. It was the largest public gathering of American Indians in over a century and tells the story around issues of Social Justice today.

Reception: Sunday, May 26, 2019, 1-5 pm

Levi Rickert (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation), editor of Native News Online, will share some of the photographs and the experiences he encountered while covering the resistance at Standing Rock, Washington, D.C. and in protests in Michigan.

Also featuring a Native American Art Show in the Community Gallery and cash and carry items made by elders in the Native Community.

Exhibit on display through June 4, 2019.

Open to the public. Admission is free. Parking is free.

Standing Rock: Photographs of an Indigenous Movement

This exhibit is a culmination of several months of coverage by Native News Online of the 2016-2017 Standing Rock resistance to the Dakota Access pipeline. Standing Rock became synonymous with the largest public gathering of American Indians in over a century. During the Standing Rock resistance, Native News Online published over 100 articles about the events at Standing Rock. Throughout this period, Native News Online took over 1500 photographs at Standing Rock, Washington, D.C., and local protests in Michigan. Understanding the importance of preserving the monumental period in contemporary American Indian history, the Kutshce Office of Local History has teamed with Native News Online to develop the Standing Rock: Photographs of an Indigenous Movement exhibition that include photographs with accompanying text. The intention was to create an exhibit of photographs that capture exchange and come to understand the importance of American Indian issues in the context of social justice.


Gallery Fundraiser - For the Birds!


PROOF: A Print Exhibit - 05/2019