Art History Inspired - Saturday Fine Art Lessons for Kids - 02/2020

Saturday Fine Art Lessons for Kids

Meet artists from the ancient days to the present day, from the first cave painters, to the ancient Greeks, all the way to Grandma Moses and lots of artists in between. One small part art history and one BIG part art project, this class is sure to leave everyone with knowledge of an inspiring artist and with a masterpiece of their own. Each day, we will create a drawing, painting, sculpture, or other mixed media artwork inspired by the artist of the day. Get ready to get messy and bring an eager spirit! Taught by Katie Russell, a graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, lifelong fine art creator and mother of four. 

10% sibling discount for each child enrolled in current sessions. Space is limited! You must register and pre-pay by 2 days prior to the start of 6-week session. Call: 734-720-0671 or purchase online at (online includes a $2 service charge). 

Class dates and themes:

Feb. 1 - Expressionism

Feb. 8 - Renaissance Art

Feb. 15 - Illumination

Feb. 22- Middle Eastern Tile Art

Feb. 29 - Origami Art

Mar. 14 - Stone Age Sculpture

Ages 11-15 years

Saturday, 3:00-4:30pm

$75 per student per 6-week session. 

$18 drop-in rate per class. (payable in the DCA office)

Ages 6-10 years

Saturday, 1:30-2:30pm

$60 per student per 6-week session. 

$15 drop-in rate per class. (payable in the DCA office)

Art History Feb. 2020 (includes $2 service fee) - Choose session
Name and Age of Child/Children
Phone number


Art Lab Workshops - Feb. 2020


POSTPONED - Anime Club - Winter/Spring 2020